Bound by Unity: Africa’s Journey to One Nation

In the heart of Africa, a call resounds,

A plea for unity, where true strength is found.

For within these borders that divide,

Lies a nation united, side by side.No longer shall we be divided and torn,

By artificial lines, by wounds yet to heal and mourn.

For Africa is one, a tapestry of unity,

Bound by history, culture, and diversity.

Let us cast away the remnants of the past,

Where colonial powers created barriers vast.

No longer shall our dreams be confined,

By the shackles of borders, we leave behind.

Like NATO, let us forge a common shield,

To protect our nations, on fertile lands we build.

Secure from threats that know no borders,

United we stand, as brothers and sisters.

A shared dam shall power our progress forth,

Electricity flowing, filling every corner of the North.

No longer shall darkness overshadow our lands,

But a brighter future, guided by our hands.

A railway, like veins, shall connect our souls,

From the Cape to Cairo, our destiny unfolds.

Trade and commerce, cultural exchange abound,

As the rhythm of progress echoes all around.

Flight shall carry us high above the clouds,

With wings that connect us, like dreams allowed.

From Lagos to Nairobi, Algiers to Cape Town,

We’ll navigate the skies, no distance can hold us down.

ADC farms shall feed our hungry nation,

Sowing seeds of hope, cultivating salvation.

No more shall hunger haunt our people’s plight,

But abundance shall flourish, bringing forth new light.

And in the pillars of Africa, we find our strength,

Education, healthcare, technology at arm’s length.

Together we rise, sharing knowledge and grace,

Leaving behind a legacy the world cannot erase.

For Africa is one, indivisible and strong,

In unity, we thrive, in harmony, we belong.

No more artificial borders to divide our land,

But a united Africa, guided by our hand.

So let us stand together, bound by a common goal,

Creating a future where Africa’s story unfolds.

The ADC leads the way, a beacon of light,

Igniting the flames of progress, shining ever bright.

Africa, one nation, undivided and free,

A continent united, in unity we decree.

No more shall artificial borders divide,

For Africa’s destiny, together we shall guide.


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