Exciting Business Opportunities in Russia for ADC Members

ADC would like to inform our cherished members, of the following initiatives by Management.

1) Members or companies in ADC, that wish to do business in Russia or wish to bring Russian businesses to his/her country in Africa, can please approach our Secretariat via WhatsApp number +233277070937 or call +233540777182, for the needed assistance.

2) Under the auspices of the International Association of Integrative Cooperation (IAIC), the Headquarters of which is in Saint-Petersburg, in the Russian Federation; ADC will be organizing Afro-Russia Empire Youth Football game, in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

3) The processes of selecting and forming a trans-Africa Youth Football Team, will be communicated, as well as the timeline.

Thank you all.

Ing. Dr. Atsu Sogbey

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