Business & Development in Africa

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About Us:

The Africa Development Council was originally incorporated as Science and Technology Advocacy
Renaissance for Africa in 2008, which has been renamed Africa Development Council and incorporated in
Ghana, 2023. The Africa Development Council (ADC) is a non-profit organization that was founded in
2023 to promote sustainable industrial development in Africa. The ADC works with a variety of
stakeholders, including African governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and international
partners. ADC, is a trans-Africa Kingdom, aimed at restoring Africa to her former Glory of self-sufficient
continent. In terms of Socioeconomic & Scientific Civilization on the Globe.

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Our Work

The ADC works in several areas to promote sustainable industrial development in Africa. These areas include:

Fostering innovation: The ADC supports the development of innovative industrial solutions to Africa’s most pressing challenges. This includes funding research and development, providing technical assistance, and building partnerships with businesses and governments.

Building capacity: The ADC works to build the capacity of African businesses, governments, and civil society organizations to participate in and benefit from industrial development. This includes providing training, technical assistance, and access to resources.

Advocating for policies: The ADC advocates for policies that support industrial development in Africa. This includes working with governments to develop policies that promote investment, innovation, and job creation.

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